Aceite MCT (aceite de triglicéridos de cadena media)
MCT oil are derived mainly from coconut oil. There main health benefits and uses are similar to cocnut oil. MCT oil is good for skin, hair, nails.
Aceite de pata de buey: usos para cuero y madera, beneficios para la salud y efectos secundarios
Neatsfoot oil comes from lard oil. Some neatsfoot oil is also produced from cattle bones and many other ingredients. Neatsfoot oil is used for conditioning leather.
Aceite de pistacho: usos para el cabello, la piel y la cocina, beneficios para la salud e información nutricional
Pistachio oil is one of the relatively less known of the edible oils. It is used mainly for drizzling on salads and is used in French cuisine where they call it huile de pistache. The cold pressed oil is obtained from roasted pistachios and it has a very strong pistachio like nutty aroma and a unique flavor. It can […]
Aceite de zapote de mamey: beneficios para la salud, usos, información nutricional y efectos secundarios
Mamey sapote oil is one of the rare finds as it is an excellent serum for the hair. The oil is extracted from the seeds of a fruit called mamey sapote. It is a bright reddish colored fruit similar to papaya. Only recently are we beginning to fully appreciate its efficacy in providing nutrition and strength to our hair and also the skin. […]