Octubre Especial de Frenos |
Established by the American Association of Orthodontists, this month-long celebration coincides with Halloween to bring awareness to healthy eating and braces care. PERFECT TEETH has decided that in…
¿Cómo funciona el seguro dental?
Deductibles, maximums, exclusions, waiting periods? Let us help you decipher what all of it means so you can understand how does dental insurance work.
Dientes permanentes y lo que los padres deben saber
What do parents need to know about permanent teeth? Here is a permanent teeth chart and some useful permanent teeth information.
Sensibilidad de los dientes al frío y a los dulces.
Here is information on what to do if you suffer from tooth sensitivity to cold or tooth sensitivity to sweets. You should also consult your dentist.
Mantenerse saludable durante las temporadas de resfriados y gripe
There is no perfect solution for staying healthy during cold and flu season, but there are steps to take to reduce down time from any sickness we do get.
Cómo usar Flex Money en el dentista
The end of the year is approaching which means many of us are asking how to use flex money before the end of the year! Here is how to use it at the dentist
Barbas y salud bucal: ¿Qué tan saludable es su barba?
In this post we discuss beards and oral health. Find out how healthy is your beard and are there risks for your oral health if you are growing a beard.
Epilepsia y salud bucal: lo que necesita saber
Epilepsy and Oral Health – The convulsions often associated with epileptic seizures can cause a myriad of dental issues. Find out more.
Cómo prevenir la boca seca mientras duerme
Wouldn’t it be nice to know how to prevent dry mouth while sleeping and find some relief? Perfect Teeth shares facts and tips on how to deal with dry mouth.
Seguridad de rayos X dentales: lo que necesita saber
Dental x-rays are safe, we promise! Read our perspective on dental x-ray safety and why there is nothing to worry about if you are having a dental x-ray done!